Debdeep Bhattacharya

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3D plots in python

12 Apr 2022

Python library matplolib does a pretty good job.

3D scatter plot

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, s = 10,  linewidth = 1 )
ax.text(X, Y, Z, str(99))
extents = np.array([getattr(ax, 'get_{}lim'.format(dim))() for dim in 'xyz'])
sz = extents[:,1] - extents[:,0]
centers = np.mean(extents, axis=1)
maxsize = max(abs(sz))
r = maxsize/2
for ctr, dim in zip(centers, 'xyz'):
    getattr(ax, 'set_{}lim'.format(dim))(ctr - r, ctr + r)

ax.set_box_aspect((1, 1, 1))

Alternatively, set x, y, and z ranges manually so that the length of the ranges are the same and do ax.set_box_aspect((1, 1, 1)):

 XYZlim = [-3e-3, 3e-3]
 ax.set_ylim3d(XYZlim - 0.2e-3)
 ax.set_zlim3d(XYZlim + 3e-3)
ax.set_box_aspect((1, 1, 1))

Source This snippet applies to ax, so we can convert it into a function def fix_aspect(ax): and call it.


and specify the axes limits using

plt.xlim(a, b)
plt.ylim(c, d)

Caution: plt.axis('scaled') goes before setting plt.xlim() and plt.ylim() for the boundaries to remain faithful.

Plotting a bunch of lines

Plotting each line using a for loop is too slow. Use LineCollection and Line3DCollection instead. The format of the data has to be in the following format:

 [ [start_x_1, start_y_1, start_z_1], [end_x_1, end_y_1, end_z_1] ], 
 [ [start_x_2, start_y_2, start_z_2], [end_x_2, end_y_2, end_z_2] ], 
 [ [start_x_3, start_y_3, start_z_3], [end_x_3, end_y_3, end_z_3] ], 
 [ [start_x_N, start_y_N, start_z_N], [end_x_N, end_y_N, end_z_N] ]

where there are N lines that start with start and ends at end. Note that The array has rank 3.

Example of such construction: Given two (N,3) arrays P_start and P_end, to draw N lines between P_start[i] and P_end[i] in 3D, construct

ls = [ [p_start, p_end] for p_start, p_end in zip(P_start, P_end) ]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import Line3DCollection

lc = LineCollection3D(ls, linewidths=0.5, colors='b')

ax = plt.gca()

** Caution: ** For 2D plotting with LineCollection, you must add a scaling command like


for the plots to show. Otherwise, no line will be printed. (weird bug?)

Note: that the collection added to ax (and not to plt).

Python parallel processing with multiprocessing

5 Mar 2022

Say we have a function called write_img(t) that takes integer values. The for loop

for t in range(starting, ending):

can be replaced by

from multiprocessing import Pool
a_pool = Pool(), range(staring, ending))
def myfunc(obj):
	x = obj.x
	y = obj.y
	# some stuff with x and y
	return obj2

from multiprocessing import Pool
input_list = []
for i in range(10):
	obj_i = # some code here ...

a_pool = Pool()
output_obj2_list =, input_list)
def fun2(x, y):
	return z = x * y

from functools import partial
fun1 = fun2(x, 5)

from multiprocessing import Pool
a_pool = Pool()
output_list =, range(10))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pack'

then use


after the multiprocessing is over to delete the pool.

from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool

Common git scenarios

15 Jan 2022

Removing a large file from the commit history

If you want to remove a large file from the repository which was accidentally committed and pushed to GitHub (possibly due to a sloppy .gitignore), do

git filter-branch --force --index-filter \
 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch path/to/file.jpg' \
 --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

Then, to delete the same in the remote repo,

git push origin --force --all

Removing sensitive information from github repo

Main article

To change the email address of all previous commits

git filter-branch -f --commit-filter '
     if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = "OLD_EMAIL" ];
             git commit-tree "$@";
             git commit-tree "$@";
     fi' HEAD

Then, force push the repo with

git push --force

Setting up vim in a local environment

14 Dec 2021

If you are working in a linux environment without superuser privileges, you can set up vim (or nvim) and its plugins in the following way.



Using nvim as an alias for vim

In .bashrc add

alias vim=nvim
alias vimdiff="nvim -d"

fixing Ultisnip python3 path

let g:python3_host_prog = <full path from `which python3` output>
pip3 install pynvim


wget -c


cd $HOME/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim
npm install


I use ranger as a browser within vim via the plugin francoiscabrol/ranger.vim. To install ranger via pip,

pip3 install ranger-fm


In the local environment, I have noticed the following issues.

Merging a git branch

13 Nov 2021

If we want to merge the branch remote_branch to the branch local_branch (the terms remote and local are well-defined in that sense), we do the following.

git branch local_branch
git checkout local_branch
git merge remote_branch

Note: you may get ‘branch does not exist’ error, in that case, checkout to the remote branch first and then get back to the local one.

git mergetool
git branch -d remote_branch
git push -d origin remote_branch

Replacing all files without resolving conflicts

Caution: Better alternative is to go through git mergetool and open it with vimdiff and then

Using vimdiff as a mergetool:

If you quit vimdiff midway and would like to reset the merge again,

  1. first cancel the merge
git reset --merge
  1. and perform the merge again with
git merge remote_branch
  1. fix merge conflicts
git mergetool

or with

git mergetool tool=vimdiff

if git is not configured.

Bottom window: final version of the merged file in the local branch, after merging

git branch -d remote_branch

Caution: attempting to delete the remote branch without committing the merged local branch first will throw warning sign. That would be a reminder that the current needs to to committed.


Pull from the internet and discard your local changes:

git reset --hard
git clean -f
git pull

Here, clean -f to remove untracked files. clean -fd deletes untracked directories as well. Before clean -f, we can do clean -d to see which files are to be removed.

Pull from the internet and set aside the local (uncommited) changes:

git stash
git pull

Then to pop back the local uncommitted changes on top of that using

git stash pop

To delete the stash, do git stash drop instead.

Desired Method: Pull from the internet and put the current committed changes as next commit after the remote version (nice explanation for the reason to rebase)

git pull --rebase

(or just git pull -r)

This might need merge-conflict resolution

git mergetool --tool=vimdiff

and cleanup

git clean -df

Then, to indicate that rebasing is done, we do

git rebase --continute

followed by git push to push the final local change. (Note that git commit is not required and has been done automatically)

This creates a commit history of the order last remote commit, merged local commit.

This (--rebase) is better for history and creates 2 commit histories compared to just git pull (with default --merge behavior), which creates 3 commit histories in the order last remove commit, last local commit, merged commit.

To recover from a failed rebase and revert to the state before the attempted pull (i.e. local changes remain in local directory), do

git rebase --abort

Note: git pull --rebase should be used over just git pull where we do not want to advertise that a merging has been done, e.g. when working on the same branch. This is the most common scenario.

git diff branch_1 branch_2 -- filename.txt

The output will have the following:

git log

or with ` git log -p ` to see all the changes (patches) to files. Other useful options are --pretty=oneline or stat.

git clean -fd
touch empty_dir/.gitkeep

and tell to .gitignore to not ignore it using

# Inside .gitignore
git checkout exp
git rebase main

to make the changes of exp as a next commit to the ones in main. At this point, the last commit of main becomes a previous commit for exp. So, we can just merge exp to main using

git checkout main
git merge exp

Q: How to change files with conflict markers to its state before attempted merge?

git merge --abort

Note, for uncommitted files, this might revert the files back to last committed state.

Creating git repositories

1 Oct 2021

Let’s assume that we created an account on GitHub with user <username> and created a repository called testconfigs.

SSH access to GitHub

eval `ssh-agent -s`

(Here, these are two backticks, not apostrophes). Then run:

cat ~/.ssh/
ssh -T

(Caution: not your username or id, but the username git)

This is most probably a routine check that you have the access. This does not give you a remote tty or you do not need to stay logged in to perform git tasks. You can probably skip this step.

git config --global ""
git config --global "Name"
.ssh/ | ssh user@server 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Host nickname
   User <username>
   HostName serve.server.address

To push/pull git repository without password

Change the URL origin type of your repository to an ssh-based one using:

git remote set-url origin<username>/<repository_name>.git

After that, any git pull/push will go through without having to enter the password.

Creating an empty local repository

Create some empty directories in your repository, which will be your working directory. Then run:

git init

This will create a .git directory inside the local repository. Now add the address of the remote host, which we are naming gitty, using

git remote add gitty<username>/testconfigs

The repository testconfigs will be referred to as gitty.

You can see all the remote hosts by: git remote -v If needed, you can delete a remote host by : git remote rm nickname_of_host

Now download all the files from the master branch of gitty by: git pull gitty master Now your working directory will have all the files stored in gitty. You can modify them, add more files etc. After modification, add the files to the modification list using:

git add file1
git add file2
git add file3


After they are added to the changelist, it is the time to commit to the change and add a comment about the changes:

git commit -m "Added file1, file2, changed file3"

After committing, it is time to upload the change back to the place by:

git push gitty master

(Obviously we are uploading to the master branch here) (Here, for the first time you may be asked to enter your email id and username. Follow the instruction to add these info to the file ~/.gitconfig)

And we are done.

Maintaining the local repository:

Create a new repository in the website. Copy the clone address. Locally do

	 git clone

Now you have a local repo.

        cd reponame

Add files/make changes e.g. cp path/file . Add to the git list :

git add file
git commit -m 'message'
git push

Provide username and password for your git repo. If you don’t want to enter username/password repeatedly, add a remote repo:

git remote add petname

Next, push to the repo called petname like this

git push petname

Then you won’t be asked for credentials anymore. And by default it will get pushed to the master branch .

Adding and committing only the files that are in the git ls-files list:

git commit -am "Staging and committing all the modifications done to files in git ls-files"

Alternatively, get commit -a -m text" works.

Vim shortcuts you should be using

23 Nov 2019

Touch typing

Shortcuts available by default

Simple chat server and client with netcat

10 Nov 2019

The GNU Netcat is TCP/IP based networking utility. If you do not have netcat installed, install it first. On Arch, you must install openbsd-netcat. I accidentally installed the gnu-netcat and it did not support many of the commands and the standard examples from the internet failed. Ubuntu already has netcat installed.

After installation, use it using nc.

  1. Open a listening port in the server: ( -l for listen, -v for verbose)
    nc -l -v 1432
  2. Connect to the server:
    nc server_name_or_ip 1432

If it succeeds, cursors on both of the computers will wait. Now type text in one terminal to send it to the other. Congratulations, you have a highly insecure client-server setup running.

Syntax folding in vim and custom folding for a file

5 Nov 2019

Syntax folding in vim is a powerful feature that makes navigation very easy. Folding can also be used to create an ad-hoc index for the file. Here are my frequently used folding commands.

Folding Help:

* Keyseq Description
  zi switch folding on or off
* za toggle current fold open/closed
  zc close current fold
* zR open all folds
* zM close all folds
  zv expand folds to reveal cursor
* zj,zk jumps to the next/previous fold, even when unfolded
  zo,(zO) jumpsopen fold (recursively)
  zc,(zC) jumpsclosefold (recursively)
* zA toggle folds recursively

Creating custom folding options for a file

You can create a vim config file customfolding.vim for a particular file and launch the file with vim -S customfolding.vim.

Folding Options

Options in vimrc Description
set foldnestmax=10 “deepest fold is 10 levels
set nofoldenable “dont fold by default
set foldlevel=1 “this is just what i use
set shiftwidth=1 “to consider spaces as one foldlevel away

Additionally, you can add the following to the custom vimrc for better searching

" DO not expand folds while searching
set foldopen-=search

to stop folds from opening on search, which is even better. Moreover, use :folddoopen s/old/new/ge to replace old with new in the lines which are not folded.


I keep my smartindent on, hence I use <F2> before pasting into the file.


Here is an example of a vimrc where lines starting with one whitespace will be folded into the preceding line:

set smartindent

setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=(getline(v:lnum)=~'^$')?-1:((indent(v:lnum)<indent(v:lnum+1))?('>'.indent(v:lnum+1)):indent(v:lnum))
set foldtext=getline(v:foldstart)
set fillchars=fold:\ "(there's a space after that \)
highlight Folded ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=Black

" DO not expand folds while searching
set foldopen-=search 

Handy pdf editing tools

3 Oct 2019

The filetype I handle most frequently is pdf. Here is a list of my most frequently used pdf-related actions.

pdftk is another brilliant tool to operate on pdf file. The main thing to remember is cat output.

You can also use pdftk to encrypt pdf files. See man pdftk. It’s amazing.

A quick guide to managing tasks using taskwarrior

14 Sep 2019

Taskwarrior is a command-line based productivity software. You can use it to maintain a simple shopping list, but it is capable of much more. It is lightweight, open-source and most importantly, terminal-based. This makes it much more powerful than other TODO lists such as Trello.

It is easy to run a Taskwarrior server locally and manage tasks over a group of people.



Then run it using task. You’ll be prompted to create the config file. Say yes. Modify the .taskrc file to use the light-256 theme, which works best with white terminal background. If you ever consider shifting to a darker terminal, consider exploring other themes. I recommended dark-256, obviously.

git add the files: .taskrc, and the directory .task so that you can have them forever.

Basic commands

Best practices for a functional workflow

This part is taken from best practices suggested by the author.

Adding due dates:

The rules for date and time format can be changed from rc.dateformat setting, but the default setting prints the date in the British format.


task add Open the store due:2015-01-31T08:30:00
task add Pay the rent due:eom

Here the synonym eom means ‘end of the month’. Synonyms are a useful shortcut to entering lengthy dates. Here is the full set:

now today sod eod yesterday tomorrow monday january later someday soy eoy soq eoq som socm eom eoc

Here, eo=end of, so=starting of (the next), soc=starting of the current, d=day, w= week, m=month, y=year, q=quarter etc. See here for more details.

The rc.dateformat setting in taskrc allows you to specify other formats for date input. It supports standard date and time formats (without the %).

Recurring task

A recurring task is a task with a due date that keeps coming back as a reminder. Here is an example:

task add Pay the rent due:1st recur:monthly until:2015-03-31

Formatting the report

To get rid of unnecessary info that is displayed, this page can be a lifesaver. Here is what I found most useful.

Adding the line verbose=no to the file .taskrc will help you get rid of the footnote and header.

Here is an example of a custom report called “verybasic” which contains very specific columns that we want, in our desired order. Either add the following lines to .taskrc or add task to the beginning of every line and run individually in terminal (both have the same effect):

report.verybasic.description='A list with very basic information, created by me.'

To make this report your default output report, add to your .taskrc:


or, issue this command in terminal: task config default.command 'verybasic'

To see this custom report in action, just run task verybasic. Detailed documentation found here.

Other useful commands

Syncing your tasks through a remote server and access it on Android

The website freecinc provides a service to host your tasks so that you do not need to set up your own server. To use this, simply log in to the website and follow their instruction. After you are done, in order to sync manually, run task sync in your client and done. To automate it, add this to your crontab -e:

# Syncing task warrior
3 */2 * * * task sync && notify-send "Syncing Tasks"

which sends out a little notification every time syncing is performed.

Mirakel (Caution: Outdated. Use Task Warrior for Android instead)

On Android, the app Mirakel (Caution: outdated) gives you a way to upload a specially created config file so that you can sync with your server (freecinc, in this case). Format of this config file:

username: foo
org: bar
user key: <your key here> 
server: localhost:6544

Get your username, org and server from the line starting with taskd.credentials= in the file ~/.taskrc. The format of that line is


Note that the org comes before the username. Get your server from the line staring with taskd.server=. Finally, insert the contents of the file *.cert.pem, *.key.pem, *.ca.key. Save it with any name and send it to the mobile phone so that you cam import it into Mirakel.

Tips: Use arithmetic operations in attributes:

 	task add newtask due:2days scheduled:due-1day


My new favourite is inthe.AM. This one has a web front-end as well as a nice server. Works similarly. You have to login with your email.

To use Mirakel effectively, I use several UDAs which are defined in my taskrc.

Another Andriod App

Task Warrior for Andriod is the most functional development so far, although it is a bit buggy at times.

Process Management

It is easy to set up Kanban or GTD with Taskwarrior. There are many extensions. Here is a whole list of tools developed around it. Here are a few.

Performing xserver activities through tty or remote ssh shells

2 Sep 2019

If you have an Xserver running in a remove computer, you can perform GUI related actions via ssh.

After logging in, set the DISPLAY variable to :0.0 or to :0 or any other if necessary (which can be found by issuing w command and looking at the from field).

Export the display as an environment variable using:

 export DISPLAY=:0.0

Then issue your GUI commands like you do in the terminal.

Note: apparently you cannot run a gui program in other user’s tty even by setting the DISPLAY to the user’s tty.

Simple GTK pop-ups:

First export DISPLAY as above. There is a software called zenity that’ll do your work. See zenity --help for more options. Example:

 zenity --info --text "hello there!"

Launching remote GUI elements locally

While loggin in via ssh, use -X to allow the local Xserver to display the output of the remote Xserver. e.g.

ssh -X user@remote-host:~/

Installing and using Cocalc notebook locally

30 Aug 2019

CoCalc is probably the best outcome of collaborative opn source efforts as of today. It is a collaborative online computing environment, mostly for Sage (an open source mathematical software). Apart from sage worksheets, it allows octave, jupyter notebooks, latex and R document editing, and many more. You can just create an account in their website and start using right away.

But the best part is that you can install Cocalc as a server and let others log in to it and collaborate. No need to install sage or sagemath.

Follow the instruction to install the cocalc-docker. It is just one line long code. It will download, extract and install. I had to use sudo to get it to work since I installed docker using sudo (sudo apt-get install To open it in browser, make sure to use https://localhost instead of http://localhost.

I had create account (fake email ids are ok, since they are local)

To start and stop cocalc, use

sudo docker start cocalc


sudo docker stop cocalc


u_th_x = var('u_th_x', latex_name = 'u_{\\theta}(x)'}

Later, do view(u_th_x) to see it rendered correctly as \(u_\theta(x)\).

Basics of R

18 Jul 2019

Installing packages in R using

Installing locally (i.e. in your ~ directory):


System-wide installation in Ubuntu (and saving space in /home):

sudo apt-get install r-cran-ggplot2

Reading a CSV

tran <- read.csv(filename, header=TRUE)

Exploring a CSV



tail(tran, 3)

Data manipulation using date

tran$day <- weekdays(as.Date(tran$Date))
daily$DoW <- factor(daily$DoW, levels= c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"))
 daily[order(daily$DoW), ]
t <- Sys.Date()
dayseq <- weekdays(seq.Date(t,t+6,by=1))

Get the corresponding weekday value by



daynames <- weekdays(dayseq, abbreviate=TRUE)

Renaming attributes:

Assume that you have a data with a variable name Category, and Catergoy can be either Grocery, Shopping or Travel. We would like to anonymize the data by renaming the 3 categories by the numbers 1, 2, and 3.

In order to do that, first convert the variable into a factor using:

data$Category <- factor(data$Category)

Then, you can use levels(data$Category) to get a vector with only 3 variables. You can change the factor data$Category the way you change a vector.

The problem is to edit an entry in the data frame which is a category type. For example, if you want to change data[4,"Category"] to hello, you cannot change it using data[4,"Category"] <- "hello" !!! Here is what you should do instead:

  1. Change the type of Category variable to character using:
data$Category <- as.character(data$Category)
  1. Edit the value:
data[4,"Category"] <- "hello"
  1. Change the variable type back to factor:
data$Category <- factor(data$Category)

It is a bit annoying.

ggplot2 examples

qplot(x=Date, y=Amount, data=tran, geom=c('point','line'), color=Category, alpha = I(0.7))
qplot(factor(timeS), data=tran, geom="bar", fill=factor(Category))
ggplot(tran, aes(timeS, fill=Category)) + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~ User) 

A slight invariant:

ggplot(tran, aes(timeS, fill=User)) + geom_bar() + facet_wrap(~ Category)

stat='identity' is the option that lets you plot y vs x instead of the default statistics count.

ggplot(tran) + geom_bar(aes(timeS, Amount, fill=Category), stat='identity')

With separate user:

ggplot(tran) + geom_bar(aes(timeS, Amount, fill=Category), stat='identity') + facet_wrap(~ User)
ggplot(tran) + geom_bar(aes(x=timeS, y=Amount, fill=User), stat='identity') + facet_wrap(~ Category, nrow = 2)
ggplot(tran) + geom_bar(aes(timeS, Amount, fill=Category), stat='identity') + geom_bar(data=transform(tran, User=NULL), aes(x=timeS, y=Amount), stat='identity', alpha=I(0.2)) + facet_wrap(~User)
 ggplot(tran) + geom_bar(aes(timeS, Amount, fill=User), stat='identity') + geom_bar(data=transform(tran, Category=NULL), aes(x=timeS, y=Amount), stat='identity', alpha=I(0.2)) + facet_wrap(~Category)

In this context, manysum is nothing but

ggplot(tran) + geom_bar(aes(timeS, Amount, fill=User), stat='identity')

Google drive client (gdrive) for command line

17 Jun 2019

A git-like command line tool called drive has implemented all the features though auth2 secret key. Follow the instructions in its readme file, run

 	drive init ~/gdrive

to start the service. In the command line, it will give you a link to visit to get a secret key which you enter in the command line. After that pull, push etc covers everything, Look at the Readme in the github for all information.


After drive init, go to the directory you initiated drive and then

 	drive pull 'directory name'

pulls all the files, directories etc of ‘directory’ name.

Similar to git, to push files to drive, you can create subdirectory inside the local gdrive structure. For example,

 	cd ~/grive
	mkdir new-folder
	cd new-folder
	cp ~/newfile ./
	drive push

Be aware, if you do not have a copy of the remote files in the local location, drive push will delete the ones that are not present in the local path or in its children.

Issue: the authentication token expires occasionally, forcing you to follow some link, clicking on “Accept” and generate token, copy-paste it to the terminal window.


 	drive trash 'file to be trashed'

Or, remember the name (with path) of the directory you want to delete. rm -r in local path. Then

  drive push 'path to the deleted file'

to delete it remotely.

The url command prints out the url of a file. It allows you to specify multiple paths relative to root or even by id

 $ drive url Photos/2015/07/Releases intros/flux

Processes and how to kill them

15 Jun 2019


Handling compressed files without remembering the parameters

12 May 2019

Often times, you might be asking yourself, what are the parameters for extracting a tar file? (answer: -xvf) In any case, to avoid memorizing individual parameters for zip, tar, rar etc, use atool.

Improving productivity on terminal

11 May 2019

Preferred termial: xfce4-terminal

I moved from xterm to xfce4-terminal due to its ability to resize the font on the fly using Ctrl Shift +/-. xterm lacked many features which I wanted to use while keeping it lightweight. I have modified some aspects of it though.

Apart from many shortcuts a linux terminal provides, here are some of my favorite ones.

Last command

Array approach for typing less:

instead of cp /etc/file /etc/file-old, do cp /etc/file{,-old} or, instead of mv /etc/file.txt /etc/file.pdf fo ` mv /etc/file.{txt,pdf} So, empty field inside {.,.}` means itself.

Of course, you can define your own alias in .bashrc, but these shortcuts will save you a lot of typing effot. Lifehacker has a few more tips.

Moving directories to their own partitions

23 Mar 2019

After using a Linux for a while, if you may realize that your /root or /home partition needs more space than anticipated. So, it might be useful to move these directories to their own partitions, if you haven’t done so originally. This setup also has the advantage that you can format and install a new copy of Linux without losing the user data. Here is how to move /root to its own partition.

Calculate the size of a directory including its subdirectories

18 Feb 2019

The linux command du (see man du) estimates file space usage. To see the the total size of the directory directory along with all its subdirectories, do

du -sh direcory/

Here, the -s parameter shows the total sum of all the files and subdirectories and -h shows the result in a human readable format.

To show the size of all directory and subdirectory in the current location in ascending order, use

du -sh ./* | sort -h

Here, sort -h sorts in the human-readable format.

This method does not show you the hidden files or directories. So, here is one trick to do exactly that:

du -sch .[!.]* * | sort -h

The parameter -c produces a grand total. The shell pattern following the parameters make sure we are searching for all files including the ones that start with a dot. Whatever. There is a program specifically made for disk analyzing and cleanup purposes and it is awesome. It’s called ncdu. Just install it and run ncdu and feel the wind.

Installing xournal from source and adding useful patches

15 Feb 2019

Xournal is an excellent lightweight software for note-taking with active stylus. However, the development is slow and many community-developed features are not always a part of the main release.

Comment: I would recommend checking out Xournalpp, which is a re-write of xournal in C++.

So, in Ubuntu, apt-get install doesn’t give you the latest version (e.g. now it is the 2.8.2016 version) or the patches the community developed. Here are the steps.

To install the development dependencies, do

sudo apt-get build-dep xournal

Download the latest tarball, extract it with

tar -xf xournal.**.tar.gz
cd xournal.**

Details of patching can be found here: Here is the summary:

Patch the source code with the download patch file

patch -p1 < patchfile.patch

Note: if the patchfile is a tar file, extract and then -p1 should be changed to -p2 or the required number of depth of path.

Compile and install this modified source file, following this link. The steps for this can be summarized by:

So far, I have used the following patches: various improvements, linewidth-patch, vi-style scrolling

Caution: If you use the linewidth-patch, older versions of xournal will not be able to open the files saved by the patched version. Chances are, this patch will not end up in the official version in future, making all the files created with the patched version useless.

To log the input events, add the following line at the top of the file src/xo-callbacks.c:

#define INPUT_DEBUG 1

This will return all the input events from xinput list to the terminal window from which which launch xournal.

Then, compile and run from terminal to see all the input events popping up at the terminal.

Create a startup script to mount hard disk drives automatically

14 Feb 2019

If you are using a DIY distribution like Arch, this is a necessary thing to do after every reboot. So, it is better to wrap the steps up in a script and automate it using rc.d. Say, I have 3 partitions that I would like to mount to 3 directories.

Writing a manpage in Linux

9 Feb 2019

Good documentations are as important as good lines of code. No one likes to dig up their old code and not understand whatever they wrote years ago. So, writing documentations should be a simple process. And it is!

Linux manpages or manuals are written in something called a troff markdown language. It is not your regular markdown, but uses macros to format text.

View the manpage files

In order to preview the manpage file filename, use

 	man -l filename

Body of the file

The lines in the manpage should start with macros starting with dots. Here are some example macros:

Command Description
.Dd date-of-modification
.Dt name-of-the-article 7 (7 for miscellaneous manual. see man man for explanation on the numbering)
.Nm name of the article
.Nd description of the article

Things to remember

Frequently used macros

Macro Description
.Sh New Section
.Ss New subsection
.Bl begin list. It can take the following parameters: -bullet, -item, -enum, -tag, -hang etc.
.It items inside .Bl and .El
.El end list
.Pa path for a filename
.Bd begin a display block, It takes a few parameters, most importantly -literal which is useful for source codes, spaced and tabbed text.
.Dl literal text of one line
.Ed end display block one line of literal text
\fB begins bold
\fI begins Italian
\fR ends bold and/or Italian
.Em emphasize (a line of bold, similar to \fB ... \fR). If using inside an item of list, use without the dot, e.g. .It Em tagname

Escape character \e generates a \, \& replaces at the beginning of a sentence, but doesn’t generate a ..

Type Output
\e \
\efB \fB
\&. .
\&Em Em

See the BSD manpage for mdoc online. (Note: mdoc for Arch is something else) [link]

Some examples

There are more things you can do with the manpages, such as adding custom files to a man database.

Take screenshots (print screen) in Linux using imagemagick

5 Feb 2019

If you have imagemagick installed (which you should), you can do many magical things with images. Check out the main website and familiarize yourself with utilities that come with it (e.g. resize, convert etc.).

The command import filename.png gives you a mouse pointer to click on the desired window to take a picture to filename.png.

To capture the entire screen, do

import -window root filename.png

We can set up an automatic timestamp in the filenames so that they do not get overwritten (provided you take not more than one picture every second):

import -verbose -window root capture-$(date +%d-%h-%Y-%H-%M-%S).png

In this case,

sleep 5; import -window root file.png;

will be more effective.

Taking a screenshot of screen 0 (of DISPLAY 0)through some shell: If you log in through ssh and want to capture a screenshot at that moment, issue:

import -window root -display :0.0 -screen capture-$(date +%d-%h-%Y-%H-%M-%S).png